TheDarkArchon's Haunt
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Yes, I am still active, though those on the various Doom forums, as well as the Court Records froums, will already know this. Anyway, I just ordered myself a new PC. Costing me just over £1250 including delivery, it has a Core 2 Duo E6600, 2Gb of 533MHz DDR2 RAM, a 320 Gb Hard Disk and a GeForce 8800 GTS with 640Mb of RAM. I'm alive. Also, you check the forums (See links bar) for a public of beta of tda-znew (Still can't think of an idea: Anyone have any suggestions?). A minor site update, with AIM being added to the contacts. It's here if anyones intrested. I was bored today so I whipped up a chiptune in a few hours. After 3 days, Heretech is release worthy. It's a modern day weapons mod for Heretic (a la Futuretic) that was done for the fun of it. Doesn't contain too much fancy crap, though. It's in downloads. UPDATE 19/5/2006 - Updated to use global ACS. Another update 19/5/2006 - Forgot to change text file. Also tweaked the tomed shotguns damage Update 20/5/2006/ - Bugfix again. I've started tweaking Tainted Decorum again but I am seriously thinking of ditching the STOIC's and replacing them with something else. Vote on the Tainted Decorum Mod Journal forum thread, as per last time. Update - Fixed the link. Update 11/5/2006 - Too late to vote now since I've gone and done it. I got SuSE Linux 10 today so I've been messing about with it most of the day :) N.B This is NOT an April Fool's joke. I'm 18 today! YAYAGE! In the vein in Chronoteeth and WildWeasel, I'm starting my own series of EDGE minimods, starting with a SPAS-12. All the mods in the forum thread in the mod journals forum. The poll result in Tainted Decorum went overwhelmingly in favour of the Sniper Rifle so I'm releasing a new version, with the Sniper Rifle being the primary change. Added 2/2/2006 - Update: The Sniper Rifle is now not frustratingly slow. This is why I shouldn't make major changes on a school night. I'm thinking of replacing the Stealth Rifle with MK's Doomified Oppposing Force sniper rifle. However, the changes I would have to make for balancing would be quite radical so I'm leaving the choice to the forumers. If you (dis)agree with the change post so in the Tainted Decorum mod jorunal Also, I've put up a Tainted Decorum archive up in case I lose the old versions and someone wants them. Added 1/2/2006 - Poll's closed, folks. See Tainted Decorum 0.8b. I've got my own forums now. Click the link on the sub-title of this to go to them. Thanks goes to Grubber for setting them up. Added 23/1/2006 - The site link bar now has a forum link. Tainted Decorum 0.8a had a couple of bugs and an outdated textfile so I've re-uploaded it. If you got it yesterday by noticing the small print, re-download it. I got a reply from UCAS (University and College Application Service) saying I've got an uncondictional offer for a course I really want to do (BSc Computer Games Technology)! Roll on September! ![]() Oh, and there's the release of Tainted Decorum 0.8a but no-one cares about that. ![]() It took me ages but I have a (ameturish) site. Yay! Thanks to for hosting and Grubber giving me a kick in the arse to get a design up. If you haven't tried it already, go to downloads and play Tainted Decorum (Shameless self-promo, I know.) |
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